Part 4: Sins of the Fathers 4: Voodoo History and You!
Part 4: Voodoo History and You!(Author's note: I realized how much you guys and gals are missing out on the music because of STUPID, STUPID DOSBOX! I HATE YOU!

So Gabriel stumbles out of bed yet again.

So first well do what were supposed to do every day check the newspaper.

As silly as this dialogue is, I cant help but love it because, well, CAJUN TIM CURRY. Anyway, something I guess I should have done earlier (

Drei Drachen.
Drei Drachen kriechen in meinen Schlaf,
die Seele wolln sie lebendig zum Frass.
Feurigen Atems, gespaltener Zunge
geniessen sie jedes Mahl.
Three Dragons.
Three dragons creep into my sleep,
the spirit wanting life in its repast.
Fiery breath, forked tongue
they enjoy each meal.

If you dont remember why it would give Gabriel chills, look back in Part 2. Theres also a book on snakes which Gabriel flicks through, mostly concerning how constrictor snakes sense vibrations.

Anyway were off for another day of exploring scenic New Orleans! And seeing as he wasnt there yesterday, lets go meet Dr. John, owner of the Voodoo Museum.
The Voodoo Museum

So theres the man himself, and as you can see, hes a damn big guy. Well, he should be, because hes Michael Dorn!! So we have Cajun Tim Curry and Haitian Worf. This game is amazing.

Enough small talk, lets interrogate! And this gives us a big history lesson on Voodoo, so I really recommend you watch the video because its interesting as hell. Dr. John denies knowing anything about cabrit sans cor, but over the course of the info dump, we learn that the most powerful Voodoo Queen was Marie Laveau, and she is added to our list of topics to question people about. He also refers us to a local Voodooienne (Voodoo Priestess) named Magentia Moonbeam. Yeeaaaah. And shes about what you expect with a name like that, but well meet her later. First, lets visit the last location we didnt get a chance to on day 1, the cemetery.

On the way out of the museum, Gabriel gives the wishing stump a rub.
St. Louis Cemetery #1

And here we are. The tomb in front of us is actually supposed to be Marie Laveaus tomb. We can take a closer look at the markings.

So we copy them into Gabriels sketchbook. Now we need to go track down the groundskeeper who wanders around randomly through the cemetery.

Oh good, he didnt go far.

Interrogation time! The groudsman, Toussaint Gervais, doesnt have a lot of new info for us beyond telling us that the Laveau tomb always has weird markings and offerings left around it, as does another tomb, one of the great family tombs as he puts it, and lets drop that once he even found a severed penis there. Yuck. Also, Dr. John is at the cemetery almost daily. Interesting. Well check out the rest of the cemetery then.

Gee, I wonder WHICH tomb that might have been that Gervais was talking about?? Well, lets call it for now, and next time well go visit Magentia and it will be the doofiest part of the game, I assure you.
(Side note: Sorry for the general lack of snark that my previous LP's have had...this game is THAT good, and you really should pick it up right now.)